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[transitive] الكلمة لها اربع معاني كما يلي مع امثلة لاستخدامها 1 to find out the facts about something [= establish]: Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire. determine how/what/who etc The aim of the inquiry was to determine what had caused the accident. determine that Experts have determined that the signature was forged. 2 if something determines something else, it directly influences or decides it: The amount of available water determines the number of houses that can be built. The age of a wine is a determining factor as to how it tastes. determine how/whether/what etc How hard the swimmers work now will determine how they perform in the Olympics. 3 to officially decide something: The date of the court case has not yet been determined. determine how/what/who etc The tests will help the doctors determine what treatment to use. 4 determine to do something formal to decide to do something: We det
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Statements and questions

STATEMENTS A statement is a sentence which gives information. If you make a statement, you usually give the sentence a subject, and this must go in front of the verb. The children are playing  in the garden. NEGATIVE STATEMENTS Negative statements are made in two main ways:                         1. If the statement contains an auxiliary verb, such as is or have, you usually add not or its contracted form n’t. She is not leaving. OR She isn’t leaving. Am and may do not allow n’t. Will, shall, and can have special contracted forms: won’t, shan’t, can’t. The same rules apply when you make a question negative. Are they in the garden? Aren’t they in the garden? WiII he get the job? Won’t he get the job? 2. If the statement has no auxiliary verb, you need to make the negative using a form of do + not/n’t. Make sure that the main verb is in its basic form. She likes swimming. She doesn’t like swimming. NOT S

الجزء الرابع من قصص اكسفورد The man with white hair

Nick stopped his car in front of the hotel. He looked carefully before he got out, but there was nobody with white hair near the hotel. He half-ran through the hotel doors and went to the desk inside. 'I'm looking for a man with very short white hair,' he said to the woman behind the desk. 'He's staying here, I think. He's about sixty years old, and he's tall and thin.' The woman did not look very interested. 'There are a lot of visitors in the hotel,' she said. 'Do you know his name?' 'No, I don't,' Nick said. 'He's, er, a friend of a friend, you see. He arrived in Vancouver yesterday, and I must find him. It's very important. Please help me!' The woman looked at him. 'There are three hundred and fifty rooms in this hotel,' she said, 'and maybe thirty or forty men with white hair. How can I remember all their names?' She turned away to answer a telephone call

الجزء الثالث من قصص اكسفورد A walk in the park

The next day was Thursday. Nick stayed in his hotel room and wrote about mountains all morning. Then he drove to Stanley Park in the afternoon. He sat and read a book for an hour, then he went for a walk under the tall trees. There was nobody here. It was quiet, and he could walk and think. He thought about Meg Hutson, and about the man with white hair. Did he know Meg Hutson? Did she know him? He remembered Meg Hutson's last words. Drive carefully, Mr Hollywood. Why did she say that? Why did she call him Mr Hollywood? He didn't understand any of it. Suddenly, he heard a noise. He stopped. 'That was a gun!' he thought. 'There's somebody in the trees with a gun! There it is again!' Then something hit the tree over his head. 'Somebody's shooting at me!' Nick thought. He turned and ran. And somebody began to run after him. Nick ran through the trees. There was no sun in here, and it was half-dark. And there were no people.

Stephen Hawking, The Big Bang, and God

Henry F. Schaefer III   Dr. "Fritz" Schaefer is the Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and the director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia. He has been nominated for the Nobel Prize and was recently cited as the third most quoted chemist in the world. "The significance and joy in my science comes in the occasional moments of discovering something new and saying to myself, 'So that's how God did it!' My goal is to understand a little corner of God's plan." --U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 23, 1991. ( This article is a transcript of a lecture Dr. Schaefer presented at the University of colorado in the spring of 1994, sponsored by Christian Leadership and other campus ministries. Over 500 students and professors were present .) Stephen Hawking's bestseller A Brief History of Time is the most popular book about cosmology ever written. The questions cosmology addresses are scientifically

كيف تكتب موضوع تعبير بالانجليزي ؟

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته  الكثير منا لا يجيد كتابة موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية .. حتى وان استطاع ربما لا يكون بذلك القدر ... هذه بعض النصائح لكتابة موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية ... اولا ً :  عليك ان تعلم ان موضوعات التعبيرتنقسم الى 3 اقسام: 1- موضوعات عامه:مثل الاسره , السياحه , السفر , الارهاب , الارض , الماء .. 2 - الخطابات :مثل الرد على خطابات من صديق , التقدم لوظيفه , تهنئة .. 3- موضوعات ابداعيه:مثل كتابة قصه , تخيل ما يحدث في موقف معين او تحت ظروف خاصه .. ثانيا ً : نصائح قبل البدء بكتابة الموضوع ... 1- اقرأ رأس الموضوع عدة مرات لكي تعرف تماما ما هو الموضوع المطلوب الكتابه فيه ولا تكتب في موضوع مشابه غير المطلوب. 2- حدد النقاط المطلوب الكلام فيها من رأس الموضوع ورقمها حتى لا تنسى أي منها. 3- فكر في الموضوع الذي تنوي الكتابه فيه وكلما خطرت لك فكره او تذكرت شيئا ما اكتبه على الفور في المسودة . 4- اصعب ما في الامر هو كيف تحفز ذاكرتك لتحصل منها على الافكار التي سوف تكتبهاإسأل نفسك اسئلة تبدا بجميع ادوات الاستفها