It all began on a beautiful spring morning in a village called Whistler, in Canada -- a pretty little village in the mountains of British Columbia. There was a café in the village, with tables outside, and at one of these tables sat a young man. He finished his breakfast, drank his coffee, looked up into the blue sky, and felt the warm sun on his face. Nick Lortz was a happy man. The waiter came up to his table. 'More coffee?' he asked. 'Yeah. Great,' said Nick. He gave the waiter his coffee cup. The waiter looked at the camera on the table. 'On vacation?' he said. 'Where are you from?' 'San Francisco,' Nick said. He laughed. 'But I'm not on vacation -- I'm working. I'm a travel writer, and I'm doing a book on mountains in North America. I've got some great pictures of your mountain.' The two men looked up at Whistler Mountain behind the village. It looked very beautiful in the morning sun. 'D...